Lab assignment development for introductory Computer Science course

Project scope
Training & developmentSkills
computer science english language research writingThe student will work collaboratively with a supervisor to develop new CMPT 101 lab assignments for the next year which will include writing code to demonstrate various coding constructs, testing and evaluating code implementations, and finalizing assignment specifications.
Work collaboratively to develop CMPT 101 lab assignments for:
Labs 1, 8, and 11:
- update the existing lab assignments
- set up the new assignments to be auto marked in mêskanâs
Labs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7:
- explore and research ideas/topics to be used as the basis for lab assignment questions
- write programs at an appropriate level demonstrating specific programming constructs
- revise programs based on feedback to create each lab assignment solution
- create answer keys with comparable marking guides and/or rubrics
- formulate student versions of the assignments (sentence form in English)
Labs 9 and 10:
- test/provide feedback on new lab assignments to improve the overall quality
Quiz questions:
- test/update existing quiz questions to ensure they work correctly in mêskanâs
I expect to have daily check-ins with the student to ensure the student has a plan for the current day and to make sure the project is running smoothly. I will monitor the work being done in a shared Google drive so I can keep up to date on the progress being made. I will be accessible to the student electronically (e-mail and/or on-line meeting) and/or in-person throughout the workday so the student can ask questions when needed. The student will be able to work on a computer in one of the computer labs (ie. 5-235 or 5-216 or 5-261) or on a personal computer in an alternate space if preferred.
About the company
Computer Science studies the nature and techniques of problem solving through computation. Understanding computation requires a knowledge of hardware, software, mathematics and logic. The discipline and practice includes the essentials such as psychology, philosophy, linguistics and management theories–computer science connects technology with people. Students can choose one of two streams of study in computer science. The general computer science major is flexible and allows students to create a focus that reflects your interests. The software professional concentration provides the best preparation for a career in software development.