- Portals
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Latest feedback

Individual endorsement
Pavneet excels at communication and was an absolute blessing when it came to developing our recruitment policies. I am so pleased with the work she has submitted.
Team feedback

Individual endorsement
Pav has been a great boon for our organization and excels at communication and building rapport with the team
Team feedback

Recent projects

Human Resources recruitment and onboarding process development
Our goal for this project is to expand our documentation for recruitment and onboarding and to provide real world experience to students. This job will consist of fine tuning and developing written guides and procedures for the recruiting, interview and onboarding processes as well as implementing these procedures in real life recruiting, hiring and onboarding situations. Giving students meaningful engagement is a core goal of Threads That Thrive. This is Phase One of Three (four as business needs require) and we anticipate one student will suffice for this position.

Human Resources recruitment and onboarding process development
Our goal for this project is to expand our documentation for recruitment and onboarding and to provide real world experience to students. This job will consist of fine tuning and developing written guides and procedures for the recruiting, interview and onboarding processes as well as implementing these procedures in real life recruiting, hiring and onboarding situations. Giving students meaningful engagement is a core goal of Threads That Thrive. This is Phase two of Three (four as business needs require) and we anticipate two students will suffice for this position. PLEASE ONLY APPLY FOR THIS POSITION IF YOU TOOK PART IN PHASE ONE